Drinking an Epstein real ale in the Epstein theatre waiting for curtain up on Epstein, the show, about Epstein, the Beatles manager, there was a sense the pudding might have been somewhat overegged. Arguably the production the new venue had been w…
So our own Andrew Lancel has been announced as the man who will play Epstein, and it certainly has the potential to be an exceptionally good piece of casting. Of course! Look at that logo. The resemblance is there for all to see. Lancel, who most …
Every year, round about now, places want to start flogging their panto tickets. It???s something MADEUP always tries to ignore until it all becomes too much (can’t we have summer first?) but this week a genuinely intriguing announcement was made. Wh…
Andrew Lancel, star of Coronation Street and The Bill, paid his dues as a patron of the Unity theatre at the weekend and hosted a one-man show and fundraiser for the venue. It was a packed, entertaining night that surpassed expectations and showed…
Coronation Street star Andrew Lancel doesn???t often take to the Liverpool stage, but there???s a special occasion coming up. Lancel is returning to the Unity, where he is a patron, for a night of song and entertainment later in the month. It’s not so…